The original IC:
- Image processor IC with 16 custom-digital DSP cores
- Working MPW prototype existed in ST process
- Design files existed in many versions, however, only the GDS2 files were trusted
- No test benches available
The challenge:
- Migrate the design to TSMC
- TSMC library cells not compatible with ST
- Mimic the original floorplan in order not to introduce unexpected errors, and in order to keep fast performance
- Take the design from a schematics-based design environment to a timing-based design environment
- Make the design testable
Our approach, in collaboration with Cadence:
- Using LVS, find the correct version of the original schematics of the processor core
- Recharacterize all original (standard and custom) cells
- Design and/or modify cells in the TSMC process to have compatibles for all original cells
- Characterize all cells of the newly created library, and generate all required views for a timing-based environment
- Insert scan chains into the processor core, and lay it out to become a super cell compatible with the new environment
- Resynthesize (Cadence), place and route, with the top level of the array of super cells done manually
- Timing closure, based on new, customer-developed, test benches
- First silicon showed the migrated DSP array to be fully functional
- The customer now had a design that was manufacturable, testable, and that could be taken forward for developing the next generation product!