About Perceptia

Perceptia Devices is an IP and design services provider, based in Sydney, Australia and Silicon Valley. It is focused on high-speed and ultra-low-power mixed-signal semiconductor designs. Its specialization and innovation in all-digital PLLs, a distinction from its competitors, allows it to steadily build a portfolio of proprietary and patented architectures and circuits that bring value to demanding applications.

Perceptia offers PLL IP across a range of power vs performance tradeoffs. We offer:

  • RF PLLs for wireless applications with jitter as low as 300fs. These can be used as an LO or to clock critical ADCs/DACs.
  • Low jitter PLLs for clocking applications with critical timing requirements and ADCs/DACs with moderate SNR requirements.
  • General purpose PLLs for logic clocking applications.
  • Low power PLLs for IoT and embedded applications.
  • PLL support IP, including LVDS inputs.

Our second generation of all digital PLL IP is now entering production.